Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at Alpine! We hope you all are able to travel safe and have a great time with family and friends. Alpine will be closed on Thursday, but we will re-open on Friday. 24/7 assistance will still be available via on-call 800-686-7993.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bruno Stow Away Installation

What better way to start a week than with a vehicle lift installation? See Alpine's installation quality on this Bruno Stow Away - what can we install for you?

Friday, November 19, 2010

CPAP Pillow for Sleep Apnea

Order your pillow today at Enter code 20Pillows at check out to receive a 20% discount on your pillow today!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Holiday Travel

The holidays should be a joyful time, not a time filled with anxiety regarding a lack of mobility and how that might hinder your holiday experience. Are you or a loved one stressed about mobility issues during the upcoming holiday season? Let Alpine help. Alpine has the tools to assist you in getting in and out of your car or on and off of airplanes--we'll take the stress out of traveling for you this season with great pricing and easy installation. In some cases your insurance may even pay for your new mobility equipment! Happy Holidays from your friends at Alpine.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Provo Update

Provo Update: The first stage of the roof is coming along great...more updates to come.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How has a power wheelchair changed your life?

POWER WHEELCHAIRS CHANGE THE LIFE OF MEDICARE PATIENTS--an article from Mobility Matters...has a power wheelchair affected your or your loved ones lives? If so, send your story to could be featured in our next newsletter.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Alpine now has a HUGE selection of maternity and post-maternity care items online, with great online pricing! Check it out.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Update: SUBMISSION DEADLINE for photo contest ends this Friday. We've seen some great entries, and look forward to viewing more talent. "Calling all photographers! Alpine needs to collect a few more photographs to decorate our current SLC and future Provo offices with. If you have any photos that you'd like to submit as consideration for display, please send them to, or post them on our Facebook wall. Subject desired: Utah landscape/nature. P.S. when you submit your photograph(s), please include size/pricing info."