Senior citizens are a valuable part of our society. Reaching retirement and enjoying the later years can be a wonderful time for many people. There are, however, new security and safety concerns that must be considered. Whether you have an elderly parent that is coming to live with you, or you are helping an elderly person that you care about set up there home, there are certain issues that must be addressed. Most elderly people are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, but there are still some concerns to deal with.
Sadly, many senior citizens are the targets of crime because they are seen as vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. It is heartbreaking to think of your elderly parent or neighbor becoming a victim, but this has become a reality in many neighborhoods and communities. Aside from concerns with crime and home security, seniors also face many dangers around the house that those who are younger do not necessarily contend with. As we get older, even basic household objects become a danger, and that is why it is so important to take the time to make your home a safe place for an elderly guest, or to help an elderly parent or friend live independently.
Here are some tips for making sure the elderly person that you love stays safe while at home:
- Whether the senior is staying with you, or on their own, make sure there is a home alarm system installed. This is particularly important for seniors who are living alone, because as mentioned before, they often become targets for burglars or robberies. The alarm system does not have to be state of the art, but make sure it at least monitors all downstairs windows and doors. It is also important that it is not too complex of a system, because if it is too difficult for them to use, they will be much less inclined to set it. If it is not set, then it is basically useless, and this defeats the point of installing a home alarm.
- In terms of safety around the house, prepare your home or your loved one's own environment by considering any possible dangers. Slippery surfaces should be covered by non-slippery mats or carpets, and all rugs should have tracking placed on the bottom. It is easy for seniors to slip and fall on non-secure surfaces, and this can result in broken bones or more serious injuries.
- Aside from a home security system, you should also make sure that the home is equipped with a working smoke detector. Seniors cannot move quickly, and therefore they can quickly fall victim to a house fire. By installing a smoke detector, you can be sure they have fair warning if there is smoke in the house, and the fire department can be quickly alerted.
- If your loved one has chosen to live independently, make sure you have contact with a trusted neighbor. A neighbor can keep an eye out for anything suspicious or that might cause concern, so it is a good idea to have a friendly relationship with at least one neighbor.
-Levi Mortenson
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