Comptroller General of the United States
441 G Street NW
Room 7100
Washington, DC 20548
Re: Medicare National Competitive Bidding
Dear General Dodaro:
We are writing to request an immediate and comprehensive review of the Medicare National
Competitive Bidding (NCB) program for durable medical equipment (DME) begun by the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with Round One on January 1, 2011.
In your review and report we ask that you consider and answer the following questions with
regard to Round One of NCB:
1. What is the impact on beneficiary access to quality and timely services?
2. What is the impact on jobs generally?
3. What is the impact on job loss for small DME businesses?
4. Should winning bidders be required to deliver products and services at their bid prices?
Should retail pharmacies be included in NCB?
5. Can NCB and the Affordable Care Act be synchronized?
6. Is NCB consistent with the demonstration projects conducted by Health Care Financing
Agency (HCFA), now CMS, in FL?
We further request that you consult with all interested parties and stakeholders, including but not limited to CMS, State Health Departments, beneficiaries, DME dealers, DME manufacturers, the Institute of Medicine, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
We understand the usual practice to share your report with the affected agency, in this case CMS, but ask that you not change your report based on CMS comments. Please deliver your report and CMS comments to this Committee by February 1, 2012.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
44(110 1 Rogers Denny Rehberg Chairman, Chairman, Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
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