Friday, November 11, 2011
The American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) is pleased that Representative Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) introduced an important bill yesterday designed to reduce fraud and improper payments in Medicare.
The Fighting Fraud and Abuse to Save Taxpayer Dollars Act, or FAST Act, H.R. 3399, would strengthen Medicare by shifting Medicare's "pay-and-chase" payment system to one that is modeled after credit card industry fraud-prevention tactics, utilizing predictive modeling technology to prevent paying fraudulent Medicare claims. The legislation also contains a provision, supported by AAHomecare, which would require an electronic prior authorization process for standard power wheelchairs in Medicare. This provision requires physicians to use a clinical medical necessity template to document the medical need for a power wheelchair. The Association believes that this physician template is a critical tool needed to reduce improper payments due to documentation errors.
AAHomecare has long fought against Medicare fraud. The Association has worked with Congress and the Administration to implement a number of key components of its 13 point anti-fraud plan. Visit www.aahomecare.org/stopfraud to see the plan. Last year, AAHomecare supported H.R. 5546, introduced by Rep. Roskam, which would have improved the tools and resources available to prevent fraud and abuse in Medicare through the use of predictive modeling technologies.
The Association welcomes the opportunity to work with Rep. Roskam on this important bill as it moves through the legislative process.
Article written by AAHomecare.
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